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Lilya is not inherently tied to any specific templating engine, but Jinja2 stands out as an excellent choice due to its proven origins and widely adoption in the Python world.


This is what Lilya brings out of the box and allows serving HTML via the handlers.

from lilya.templating import Jinja2Template


  • directory: A string, os.Pathlike, or a list of strings or os.Pathlike indicating a directory path.
  • env: Any different jinja2.Environment instance (Optional).
  • **options: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the Jinja2 environment.

Use of Jinja2Template

Lilya brings a pre-configured Jinja2Template configuration that it will be probably what you will want to use. In case you want a different jinja2.Enviroment, that can be also passed when instantiating the Jinja2Template.

from lilya.apps import Lilya
from lilya.requests import Request
from lilya.routing import Include, Path
from lilya.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from lilya.templating import Jinja2Template

templates = Jinja2Template(directory="templates")

async def homepage(request: Request):
    return templates.get_template_response(request, "index.html")

app = Lilya(
        Path("/", homepage),
        Include("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static"),

Templates response parameters

The get_template_response function expects the following arguments:

  • request (required): The HTTP request object.
  • name (required): The name of the template to render.
  • context (optional): A dictionary allowing you to include dynamic data in the template rendering process.

Any additional arguments or keyword arguments provided will be passed directly to TemplateResponse. This is for example handy when you need async templates.

Async templates

A very good feature of jinja2 is that you can you can have async templates. This means awaitables are automatically resolved and async iteration is supported out of the box. This is especially useful for the async ORMs, for example Edgy.

from lilya.apps import Lilya
from lilya.requests import Request
from lilya.routing import Include, Path
from lilya.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from lilya.templating import Jinja2Template

templates = Jinja2Template(directory="templates", enable_async=True)

async def homepage(request: Request):
    return templates.get_template_response(request, "index.html")

app = Lilya(
        Path("/", homepage),
        Include("/static", StaticFiles(directory="static"), name="static"),

And now you can iterate over QuerySets out of the box. Nothing else is required.

Note that internally the template response switches the render method and uses the async content feature so you can only access the body attribute after calling __call__ or resolve_async_content().

Optional Arguments

  • status_code (int, optional): The status code of the response. Defaults to 200.
  • background (BackgroundTask, optional): An instance of BackgroundTask. Defaults to None.
  • headers (dict[str, Any], optional): A dictionary of response headers. Defaults to None.
  • media_type (str, optional): The media type of the response. Defaults to "text/html".

You can pass these arguments either as keyword arguments or positional arguments, depending on your preference.


It's imperative to include the incoming request instance as part of the template context.

The Jinja2 template context automatically incorporates a url_for function, allowing correct hyperlinking to other pages within the application.

For instance, static files can be linked from within HTML templates:

<link href="{{ url_for('static', path='/css/app.min.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />

Should you wish to utilize custom filters, you will need to update the env property of Jinja2Template:

from lilya.templating import Jinja2Template

def marked_filter(text): ...

templates = Jinja2Template(directory="templates")
templates.env.filters["marked"] = marked_filter

The jinja2.Environment

Lilya accepts a preconfigured jinja2.Environment instance by passing it inside the env attribute when instantiaing the Jinja2Template.

import jinja2

from lilya.templating import Jinja2Template

env = jinja2.Environment(...)
templates = Jinja2Template(env=env)

Context Processors

A context processor is a function that returns a dictionary to be merged into a template context. Each function takes only one argument, request, and must return a dictionary to be added to the context.

A typical use case for template processors is to enhance the template context with shared variables.

from lilya.requests import Request

def application_context(request: Request):
    return {"app":}

Registering Context Processors

To register context processors, pass them to the context_processors argument of the Jinja2Template class.

from lilya.requests import Request
from lilya.templating import Jinja2Template

def settings_context(request: Request):
    return {"settings":}

templates = Jinja2Template(

Custom Jinja2 Environment

Jinja2Template accepts all options supported by the Jinja2 Environment. This grants greater control over the Environment instance created by Lilya.

For the list of options available to Environment, refer to the Jinja2 documentation here.

from lilya.templating import Jinja2Template

templates = Jinja2Template(

Asynchronous Template Rendering

While Jinja2 supports asynchronous template rendering, it is advisable to avoid including logic in templates that trigger database lookups or other I/O operations.

A recommended practice is to ensure that your endpoints handle all I/O operations. For instance, perform database queries within the view and include the final results in the context. This approach helps keep templates focused on presentation logic rather than I/O operations.