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Lilya provides a convenient StaticFiles class for serving files from a specified directory:


  • directory - A string or os.PathLike indicating the directory path.
  • packages - A list of strings or list of tuples of strings representing Python packages.
  • html - Operate in HTML mode, automatically loading index.html for directories if it exists.
  • check_dir - Ensure that the directory exists upon instantiation. Defaults to True.
  • follow_symlink - A boolean indicating whether symbolic links for files and directories should be followed. Defaults to False.
from lilya.apps import Lilya
from lilya.routing import Include
from lilya.staticfiles import StaticFiles

app = Lilya(routes=[
    Include('/static', app=StaticFiles(directory='static'), name="static"),

For requests that do not match, static files will respond with "404 Not Found" or "405 Method Not Allowed" responses. In HTML mode, if a 404.html file exists, it will be displayed as the 404 response.

The packages option allows inclusion of "static" directories from within a Python package. The Python "bootstrap4" package serves as an example.

from lilya.apps import Lilya
from lilya.routing import Include
from lilya.staticfiles import StaticFiles

app = Lilya(routes=[
    Include('/static', app=StaticFiles(directory='static', packages=['bootstrap4']), name="static"),

By default, StaticFiles looks for the statics directory in each package. You can modify the default directory by specifying a tuple of strings.

    Include('/static', app=StaticFiles(packages=[('bootstrap4', 'static')]), name="static"),

While you may choose to include static files directly within the "static" directory, using Python packaging to include static files can be beneficial for bundling reusable components.